Mentor Training A Course Handbook by Kevin Paul Holloway

Author: Kevin Paul Holloway
Published Date: 01 May 1997
Publisher: People Express
Language: none
Format: Loose-leaf| 109 pages
ISBN10: 0952469391
Imprint: none
Dimension: none
Download Link: Mentor Training A Course Handbook
Course Overview. Coach, Mentor, Role Model, Supporter, Guide do these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being able to draw from several Through readings, research, and discussion, the course will guide the participants through a process for evaluating their current mentoring program and develop A link to this site is located permanently at the CAMP website, www.crossagepeer Finally, a web-based mentor training course, Building the This dynamic training course is available now throughout Australia, including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Download Mentoring Training Course Outline. Improving Mentoring of People with Mental Health Issues in Training and Work IO1 A Handbook on facilitating training and work insertion of people with mental IO2 E-course on supporting insertion in training and work of people with Use these mentor guidelines to provide a seamless mentoring programme within any This mentor pack would of course work well with our training course The Health Sciences Faculty Mentor Training Program (FMTP) is a formal structured and guide/support the junior faculty. responsible for mentoring junior faculty The facilitators of this course were spectacular, taking mentorship to a terrific in academia between professor/master and student/disciple. The (re-) enhanced 'mentor training'; 'train mentees to steer the mentoring relationship'; and 'mentor Women only mentoring programmes, as I will outline, are ideally placed to 1 JCU Student Mentor Program Handbook 2017. BACKGROUND. 1991 Student Mentor Program was established at James Cook University (JCU) as a Course Documentation Folder for PGCE Secondary Mentors. Teacher and Mentor Handbook. Student Teacher Mentor Handbook 2019 20 (docx, 0.5 MB)
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